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Free Medical Advice sponsored by
Got an ache or pain? Have a question about a prescription or over-the-counter drug? Looking for some FREE medical advice?
I've had pain in my left leg for about 2 months now. It feels tightening and sometimes a needle-like, radiating pain spreding from my ankle all the way up to my thigh. I've injured my ankle 4 yrs ago, but with no fracture, just sprain. However, I still feel the pain and it seems the pain starts in the ankle, then spreads to the whole leg. I feel pain in any position, but a little relieved while resting it on a pillow. Is there a chace this could be a deep vein trombosis? Thank you!
Cristina Fayad
Dear Cristina,
It is important to visit a doctor to give you recommendations. It is quite incorrect to give medical advice without seeing the patient, because some problems that the patient even doesn't notice can affect the diagnosis and thus the recommendations can be wrong and can harm the patient's health. So the doctor has to examine the patient and to prescribe some tests if they are necessary. And only after that thediagnosis and the plan of treatment can be revealed to the patient.

At the European Medical Center you can make an appointment withthe orthopaedic specialists: Dr. Prihnenko, Dr. Korolev, Dr. Golubev.

Please, don't hesitate to visit a doctor. To make an appointment or to get more information, please, call EMC +7 (495) 933 6655.
Maria Gamayunova
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